2015 m. sausio 22 d., ketvirtadienis


Internete siaučia tikra #mariuschallange pasiutpolkė! Internautai dalinasi savo nuotraukomis su skardine itališkojo „SanPelegrino“ limonado ir sako, jog nepaisant „deadlinų“ ir pareigų, galime būti užtikrinti, jog turėsime pareigas MP tarnyboje.

Apie iššūkį jau parašė žiniasklaida (tiesa, žiniasklaidos priemonės, kuri šiaip jau dažnai parašo apie "besismaginančius internautus", tai nesudomino (gal todėl, kad redaktorė „Reigano klubą“ lanko?), o internautai vykdo savotišką viktoriną ar protmušį (sako, kad viena tokia Raminta su savo protmušiais buvo pavaryta, tai maš ana tokį „quizą“ sumanė?), bandydami atspėti, kas gi tas paslaptingasis Marius, kuris paliko itin nekompetentingo ir tingaus darbuotojo įvaizdį žmonėms iš „Barclays“ banko.

Mariaus nuotykius „Barclays“ aprašo toks tinklaraštininkas „iBanker“, kuris sako:

„Be nice to people because you never know where they’ll be one day“

O apie "Marių" pasakoja:

„he always carried a can of San Pellegrino Orange sparkling drink. Always. Even if empty he’d carry a can with him or leave it on the table for everyone to know it was his signature beverage.“

„The guy was obsessed with politics, especially if it had ‘controversy’ written all over it. And if he was in the middle of reading an article he was as good as dead to the team.“

 „And good ol’ Marius loved calling for help.“

 „Because I sat real close to him – directly behind him – I often answered his call in times of need.“

„To make matters worse, and as I alluded to earlier he detested grunt work, such as updating graphs, creating league tables, etc. To the point where he refused to do it. In reality everyone does a bit of grunt work, even senior guys.“

„he rarely ate at his desk. The situation around our desk could be manic and highly pressurised and yet I’d catch him sitting alone in the cafeteria eating his lunch as if he were at a Michelin-starred restaurant savouring each bite.“

„We all knew his days were numbered and therefore most people didn’t give him the time of day.“

„On the one hand I felt bad for him because I knew his former team and division was fairly relaxed and ours was a complete change of pace. On the other, it pissed me off as he had to adapt but didn’t seem to care so much. His performance directly affected all of us. And layoffs were prevalent those days.“

 Ir vieną dieną "Marius" paskelbė:
 “I’ve been asked to become the economic adviser to the Prime Minister of [Baltic country].”

Pilną Mariaus istoriją galite paskaityti štai čia: http://www.theibanker.com/be-nice-to-people-because-you-never-know-where-theyll-be-one-day/

O Runkelis, drauge su kitais internautais, bei Mykolu Majausku bando atspėti – kas gi tas pilietis, kuris darbovietėje pasirodė nekompetentingu tinginiu ir buvo pakviestas talkinti kažkelintos (gal pvz. 15 Vyriausybės vadovui), tokiu būdu parodydamas pasauliui, jog Lietuvoje patarėjais gali dirbti bet kas (taip sakant – vieną dieną indų plovėjas, kitą dieną jau patarėjas) ?

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